Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, Community Impact JEEP Programs will be completed remotely. Please continue to reach out through email or phone, and we will have staff continue to provide services via phone, email, or video chat during this difficult time. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CORONAVIRUS AND HOW TO CONTACT OUR OFFICES DURING THIS TIME, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW! |
What is Community Impact J.E.E.P. FREEWAY? |
The Community Impact Freeway connects JEEP students & teachers to services, resources and information related to their program and beyond.
Our Jobs and Education Empowerment Project (JEEP) provides a full range of comprehensive services to adult participants looking to improve their professional and educational prospects. Our classes are always free of charge and open to adult residents (18 years and older) of Upper Manhattan and the city at large. Classes include:
College Road and Job Road support services are also provided at no cost for all interested participants. |
by Makan Camara, ESOL student, level 5, Summer 2019 Come in, enter this family Our aim is to help you to achieve your goals Make sure: you will get the right support Multicultural and open is our environment United, we are definitively stronger No matter where you go in your life Integrate our group and people will stand by you Take a look on your future You have all cards in your hands Indeed, we build the future here and now Mountains are not high enough Practice will improve your skills Action is the best way to learn Consistent will be our endeavors, and Together we will succeed |
If ICE Visits a Home, Employer, or Public Space
All people living in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, have certain U.S. Constitutional rights. Learn more about what you can do to protect yourself and your family in an encounter with federal immigration enforcement at
and call ActionNYC (1-800-354-0365) to connect with free, safe legal help.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association provides handouts on what to do for ICE worksite raids, home visits, or public stops.
Click here to download information in English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Hatian Creole, or Punjabi.
With a NYC library card, you can get free admission to dozens of cultural institutions.
Save money and discover more about your city!
Save money and discover more about your city!
J.E.E.P. (Jobs & Education Empowerment Project) is run by Community Impact at Columbia University.
Get in touch today:
Get in touch today:
Contact Us
For the ESOL program: [email protected]
For the TASC program: [email protected] |
address105 Earl Hall, MC 2010
New York, NY 10027 |